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Learn the Art of Receiving

blog feature

When you make a big change in your life – when you jump – you need support. If you’re a giver like me, you probably find it difficult to ask others to assist you. I know I used to think that asking for help meant I was weak. I also didn’t want anyone to know […]

Are you stuck in self-sabotage and self-doubt?

blog feature

Feeling that we’re not enough, or not good enough translates into the fear that we’ll never have enough. Fear of success and fear of failure are two sides of one coin, and our self-sabotage and self-doubt are self-fulfilling prophecies in which we unknowingly make damn sure we never, ever have all that we need. It’s […]

Can you survive the fear of rejection and ask for help?

blog feature

In April 2010, I was out to dinner with Louise Hay, Cheryl Richardson, and Reid Tracy after our “Speak, Write, Promote: Become a Mover and Shaker” event in Boston. Even though at that point I had been separated from my husband for three months, I had not revealed to Louise and Reid what was going […]