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Amazing News for “Jump … And Your Life Will Appear”

OMG!!! It’s a dream come true and I want to share my exciting news with you…

I’m a Hay House author now! 🙂 


Last month, I self-published my new book Jump … And Your Life Will Appear
with Balboa Press–and much to my surprise it became an Amazon bestseller and, after only being out for a few short weeks, Hay House made me a deal to acquire it  and TODAY it’s re-releasing from Hay House! (See the Hay House logo at the bottom of the book spine!!!) Order your copy on Amazon now!

This is such an honor and I’m so grateful for Hay House’s full support in partnering with me on my platform to help others through the experience of my own personal transformation.

I know that many of you have already jumped on the bandwagon, but for those of you still wanting to make changes in your life–but feel something is holding you back; if your soul is asking you to take a leap–but you’re too afraid to take it; if you’re ready for something new–but aren’t sure where to start, I wrote Jump … And Your Life Will Appear just for you!

How perfectly apropos that yesterday on the first night of Passover, and the eve of my book re-release, my father showed me this email message he received from Rabbi Hahn right before our Seder: “Passover’s name in Hebrew, Pesach, comes from a root which more correctly means “to leap” or “jump.” In this sense, I have heard it taught, Pesach is the Nike holiday par excellence: “Just do it!” Pesach is an opportunity to make a sudden shift in your life, to change yourself dramatically. Such is the holiday’s power: to see something to change and just make it so.”

Whether you want to switch careers, move to a different part of the world, set boundaries with someone in your life, or increase your capacity for self-love, Jump … And Your Life Will Appear will support you with a practical path from start to finish.

With this in mind, I invite you to think of one way in which you would like to change your life–and let’s do this!

P.S. Are you ready to jump? I’d love to help! Grab your copy on Amazon now–and if you want additional support, click now … and your coach will appear!

Click and Your Coach Will Appear

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The Practice,
From Levin Life Coach Academy founder, Nancy Levin

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